Few technologies/capabilities have presented a greater challenge to national defense than the development of hypersonic missiles and countermeasures to defend against them. Programs like the Air Force’s Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile and Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, as well as DARPA’s Glide Breaker, are addressing both sides of the hypersonic threat scenario.

For this Breaking Defense webinar, we bring together senior military leadership and other technical experts to discuss the status of hypersonic programs now in development and the engineering challenges they’re solving for in design, test, and development; how hypersonic technology is accelerating innovation in defense; and how the DoD is building a layered, defensive architecture that extends from space-based sensors to ground-based defeat mechanisms.

Webinar (60 minutes)
June 25, 2024, 2pm ET / 11am PT
Hypersonics: The DoD Demand Signal for Offense and Defense

Participants can earn 1 CPE credit


We will discuss the following:

The current hypersonics threat scenario, including Russia’s use of hypersonics against Ukraine.
How the DoD is responding with both offensive and defense hypersonic programs.
The networking and sensor architecture associated with hypersonics.
Next steps for these initiatives.

Learning Objectives:

Familiarity with the different types of offensive and defensive hypersonics.
Knowledge of the technical challenges associated with development and manufacture of hypersonic weapons.
Understanding the lessons learned in Russia’s use of hypersonics.
How defensive systems create deterrence for national security.

1 CPE credit eligible
Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
In order to receive full credit, you must respond to all three polling questions asked during the live program.

Register Today!

Additional Information:

Prerequisites – None.
Advanced Preparation – None.
Program Level – Overview.
Delivery Method – Group Internet Based.
No fee to attend this event.
Attendees will be notified if event is cancelled (24 hours prior).
For more information regarding program policies or concerns, email us at [email protected]. Breaking Media is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: www.nasbaregistry.org.